Plüschtiere: Mehr als nur ein Spielzeug.

Plush toys: more than just a toy.

The next time you buy a cuddly toy for a child or see your child's favorite cuddly toy. It is more than just a piece of fabric - it is a friend, a comforter and a teacher in one.

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Riesenknuddeln: Das größte Kuscheltier der Welt.

Huge cuddles: the largest cuddly toy in the world.

For many, cuddly toys are a symbol of childhood, consolation and security. While most of us think of the small, cozy soft toy from our childhood, there are some cuddly toys in the world that are anything but small. We are talking about huge cuddly toys, which in size and weight surpass everything you can imagine.

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Die Zauberer der Entspannung: Die ASMR-Künstler.

The magicians of relaxation: the ASMR artists.

In the end, ASMR artists are not only entertainers, but also healers, storytellers and, above all, artists in their own right. And while the techniques and styles can vary, the goal is always the same: to promote relaxation, peace and well -being.

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ASMR: Der Schlüssel zu besseren Nächten?

ASMR: The key to better nights?

If insomnia is plagued or you are just looking for a new method to relax before going to bed, ASMR could be just the right thing for you. Remember that not every ASMR video works for everyone.

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10 Coole Ideen: Was Du alles mit unserer OHKnete kneten kannst!

10 cool ideas: What you can knead with our oh minet!

Why should you choose our oh minet? Quite simply: because she is awesome! It is not only environmentally friendly, but also promotes fine motor skills and creativity, according to a study by the renowned psychologist Dr. Richard Rende.

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