Fan: Sabrina fan: sabrina fan: sabrina

My first slime order and it couldn't have been better. The large and great selection didn't make it easy for me. It should only be a small gift for me. A new job that is less stressful and nerve -wracking than the old one and if then, then maybe something nice just for me. More by chance I came to the shop, it was important to me that it would come from Germany because I was too impossible to wait for a package from abroad. A small gift for me then became a slightly bigger one, because I chose 4 different slimes. As I said, the great selection doesn't make it easy for you.

Two Cloud Slimes, a Glossy and a Butter should it be then. And I was not disappointed! In addition to the loving packaging and the really sweet instructions, I received 4 wonderful slimes. Snow, Moooooonster, Uni horn and Bonoh Bon Have arrived with me and really perfect. It couldn't have been better. At first I had concerns that the fragrance would be too strong, but it is exactly right! Not too much and not too little. I was particularly impressed by Uni Horn with texture and fragrance. But the others are not far behind. It's something completely new, but also completely great for me. At first I wanted to wait a little longer, but then the curiosity predominated and I unpacked it directly and played with them.

It was just too tempting and beautiful. I think I couldn't have chosen a better shop for my first slime. I am completely enthusiastic and I don't know whether and what could be improved. I am currently considering whether I should not strike again and maybe this time my sister should give.

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